Collati is a chamber choir conducted by Trefor Farrow, which rehearses in Bittaford near Ivybridge. The choir’s name comes from the Latin word collati (col-lah-tee) which means bringing together, as in 'to collate'. Trefor and his wife Gillian (soprano) set the choir up in 2013. We sing challenging unaccompanied music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, as well as more recent works by twentieth and twenty-first century composers. The choir has now grown to a membership of around 30.
We always welcome enquiries from experienced choral singers. Rather than doing formal auditions we invite potential members to come along to rehearsals for a few weeks to try us out. Please see the info for members page and do contact us if interested. We are a friendly and welcoming choir, and aspire to a high standard of performance! We are currently recruiting in the tenor and bass sections.
NEXT CONCERT: Saturday 10th May 2025, Buckfast Abbey, 7:30pm - to include Britten’s Hymn to St Cecelia, Bach’s Cantata 50 and works by Victoria, Lukaszewski and Whitacre.
Audience feedback:
"... this choir is great - almost as good as The Sixteen!'
“...I don’t know what it is, but you just have a little bit of magic about you!" * Request to go on our mailing list here
[email protected] 07900 553077 (Gillian) / 07713 087994 (Trefor)
We always welcome enquiries from experienced choral singers. Rather than doing formal auditions we invite potential members to come along to rehearsals for a few weeks to try us out. Please see the info for members page and do contact us if interested. We are a friendly and welcoming choir, and aspire to a high standard of performance! We are currently recruiting in the tenor and bass sections.
NEXT CONCERT: Saturday 10th May 2025, Buckfast Abbey, 7:30pm - to include Britten’s Hymn to St Cecelia, Bach’s Cantata 50 and works by Victoria, Lukaszewski and Whitacre.
Audience feedback:
"... this choir is great - almost as good as The Sixteen!'
“...I don’t know what it is, but you just have a little bit of magic about you!" * Request to go on our mailing list here
[email protected] 07900 553077 (Gillian) / 07713 087994 (Trefor)
Concerts to come in 2025
Saturday 10th May 2025
Buckfast Abbey, 7:30pm
An unaccompanied concert to include:
Cantata 50 - Bach Hymn to St Cecelia - Britten plus pieces by Victoria, Lukaszewski and Whitacre |
Saturday 12th July 2025
St Andrew’s Ashburton, 7:30pm
Repeat of May 2024 concert by popular request: Magnificat - Rutter
Missa Brevis - MacMillan Singet dem Herrn - Bach Give us the Wings of Faith - Whitbourn Veni Sponsa Christe - Palestrina |
Saturday 25th October 2025
Buckfast Abbey, 7:30pm
Programme to include Whitbourn's Son of God Mass for choir, organ and soprano saxophone and Dom Sebastian Wolff’s Missa Brevis.
Saturday 13th Dec 2025
Venue provisionally St Mary’s, Totnes if renovations completed, 7:30pm (TBC)
Unaccompanied Christmas concert, programme TBC.
Concerts in 2024
Saturday 14th December 2024
St Mary’s Church, High Street, Totnes 7:30pm
Christmas concert: a selection of accompanied and unaccompanied seasonal pieces old and new, including:
Gloria - Bach On Christmas Night - Chilcott Whitbourn - Winter's Wait Seek Him that Maketh the Seven Stars - Dove Todd - Softly and O Lux Beata plus a selection of seasonal motets and carols - accompanied by Andrew Millington, organ |
Saturday 19th October 2024
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Tickets £15 from Buckfast Abbey or on the door. |
Te Deum - Britten *
Missa Ascendo ad Patrem - Palestrina In this place - Todd Salvator Mundi - Tallis They Will Rise - Dove * Gloria - Poulenc * * accompanied by Peter King, organ |
Sunday 18th August 2024
Plympton St Maurice Church, 3pm
Tickets £10 to include tea and cake / a cream tea. To reserve tickets email [email protected] |
A concert of light choral music.
Saturday 4th May 2024
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Tickets from Buckfast Abbey website or on the door. |
Veni Sponsa Christe - Palestrina (unaccompanied)
Give us the Wings of Faith - Whitbourn Missa Brevis - MacMillan (unaccompanied) Singet dem Herrn - Bach Magnificat - Rutter, accompanied by Peter King, organ |
Concerts in 2023
Saturday 16th December 2023
St Mary's Church, High Street, Totnes TQ9 5NN
7.30pm Tickets £10 on the door on the night. |
A Christmas Concert - Trefor Farrow - director, Andrew Millington - organ.
Excerpts from Handel's Messiah and Bach's Cantata Wachet Auf alongside familiar and new seasonal music. |
Saturday 14th October 2023 - A celebration of 10 years of The Collati Singers
Palestrina: Stabat Mater, Byrd: Teach me, O Lord, Rachmaninov: Cherubic hymn, Bruckner: Locus iste, Whitacre: All seems beautiful to me, Palestrina: Ascendo ad patrem.
Rachmaninov: Come, let us worship, Rachmaninov: Bogoroditsye, Todd: Vidi speciosam, Byrd: Sing joyfully, Lukeszewski: Cantate domino, Gjeilo: Ubi caritas, Bach: Lobet denn Herrn |
Sunday 13th August 2023 - a summer concert with cream tea
Plympton St Maurice Church, 3pm
Tickets £10 - including a cream tea! |
A relaxed concert of familiar sacred music plus lighter songs in a jazz style. The second half of the concert will be in the church hall accompanied by a cream tea.
Saturday 29th April 2023
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Tickets £15 from Buckfast Abbey website or on the door. |
The programme included one Requiem by 16th century composer Victoria and another Requiem by Bob Chilcott, alongside two shorter, uplifting pieces: Eriks Esenvalds' arrangement of Amazing Grace and a recently composed anthem by Jonathan Dove They Will Rise.
Soprano solo (Victoria): Fee Machen Soprano solo (Esenvalds): Janet Hooper Soprano solo (Chilcott): Alison Naftalin Tenor solo (Chilcott): Jonathan Woods Organ: Peter King |
Concerts in 2022
Sunday 11th Dec 2022, Christmas concert
Stoke Damerel Church, Paradise Road, Devonport, Plymouth PL1 5QL, NB at 3pm
Part of Jeanie Moore's 28th International Concert series 2022, all tickets £10 cash on the door (no cards) or book here. |
This Collati Singers’ Christmas concert included music composed to celebrate the festive season throughout the ages. It journeyed from Hildegard of Bingen (12th century), through Byrd and Palestrina (16–17th centuries) to Bach and Handel (18th century), and onwards to the wealth of music composed in the 20th–21st centuries, including Vaughan Williams’ Fantasia on Christmas Carols and more recent settings by modern composers.
Saturday 5th November 2022
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Tickets £15 from Buckfast Abbey website or on the door. |
Programme included two works by Jonathan Dove, his Missa Brevis and Seek Him that Maketh the Seven Stars, both accompanied by Peter King on organ, plus Byrd's unaccompanied Mass for Five Voices and other pieces by Tallis, Gibbons, Parry and Todd.
Saturday 14th May 2022 - COLLATI SINGERS
St Mary's Church, High Street, Totnes TQ9 5NN
7.30pm Tickets £12 (£10 early bird) with online booking. Also available on the door. |
Programme included Bach's Gloria (Cantata 191) accompanied by Peter King on organ. Also Owain Park's Five Shakespeare Songs and Richard Rodney Bennett’s Missa Brevis, and pieces by Will Todd and Pawel Lukaszewski.
Sunday 3rd April 2022 - THE DAMEREL BELLES
Bittaford Methodist Chapel, 3pm
FREE entry, with retiring donations invited - in aid of the chapel maintenance fund |
A varied programme of classical and light music for women's voices in 3 and 4 part harmony, accompanied and directed by Trefor Farrow.
Concerts in 2021
Sunday 12th December 2021
Stoke Damerel Church, Paradise Road, Devonport, Plymouth PL1 5QL, 3pm
FREE ENTRY - retiring donations invited. |
A varied programme including Christmas motets, some seasonal settings and a selection of lighter carols. The Damerel Belles women’s singers (made up mainly of Collati members) also did two short sets. All conducted by Trefor Farrow.
Saturday 6th November 2021
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Tickets £15 from Buckfast Abbey website, from Buckfast Abbey gift shop, or from the Abbey stewards on the door on the evening of the concert. |
Unaccompanied and accompanied choral works by composers ranging from the 16th to 21st centuries, plus Rutter's Gloria with organ and percussion accompaniment.
VIRTUAL COLLATI RECORDINGS - four recordings made during covid19 lockdowns - click here to see our video page
Saturday 17th April 2021- CANCELLED due to covid19
St Mary's Church, High Street, Totnes TQ9 5NN
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Programme was to be confirmed.
Concerts in 2020
Sunday 13th December 2020, 3pm, 2020 - CANCELLED due to covid19
St Mary's Church, Totnes, TQ9 5NN 3pm!!
Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Christmas concert - programme was to be confirmed.
Saturday 14th November 2020 - CANCELLED
by Buckfast Abbey due to covid19 |
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Tickets £10. These can be bought online through the Abbey website, from the Abbey gift shop, or from the Abbey stewards on the door on the evening of the concert, if there are any remaining. |
Excerpts from Rachmaninov Vespers, anthems by Byrd; Dove’s Seek Him that Maketh the Seven Stars and Rutter’s Gloria, both accompanied by Peter King (organ).
Saturday 18th July 2020 - CANCELLED
due to covid19 |
St James's Church, Christow EX6 7LZ
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
A concert of light music including selections from Jenkins - Motets, selections from By Popular Request (arrangements of well known songs in a light jazz idiom) plus a few Church anthems ancient and modern.
Saturday 25th April 2020 - CANCELLED due to covid19
St Petroc's Church, South Brent TQ10 9AG
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Les Chansons des Roses - Morten Lauridsen
Shakespeare Love Songs - Owain Park Five Anthems - Henry Purcell Four Sacred Part Songs - Felix Mendelssohn |
2014 – 2019 |
Sunday 15th December 2019
St Andrew's Church, Ashburton TQ13 7DT
Christmas Concert 3pm. Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Seasonal music including 16th century motets by Palestrina and Victoria, alongside modern pieces by Chilcott and Rutter amongst others. In addition The Damerel Belles will perform Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols (SSA), with harp accompaniment by Emma Graham, all conducted by Trefor Farrow.
Saturday 2nd November 2019
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Tickets £10 from Buckfast Abbey website, from Buckfast Abbey gift shop, or from the Abbey stewards on the door on the evening of the concert. |
Bernstein - Chichester Psalms
Palestrina - Missa Brevis and pieces by Rachmaninov and Esenvalds. Organ: Peter King, harp: Emma Graham, percussion: Shan Chana. Many thanks to the Bryan Foster Charitable Trust for their support for this concert. |
Saturday 13th July 2019
Plympton St Maurice Church, PL7 1NH
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Rutter's Birthday Madrigals and a selection of English anthems, plus lighter music including motets by Karl Jenkins and some jazz standards. Solos by Fee Machen, Janet Hooper, Clare Lash-Williams and Gillian Webster.
Saturday 11th May 2019
St Andrew's Church, Ashburton, TQ13 7DT 7.30pm
The Damerel Belles women's ensemble, conducted by Trefor Farrow, performed as part of the second Ashburton Choirs Festival 2019 Tickets £6 (£2 under 15) from choir members, from Ashburton Information Centre or on the door. |
The programme included a mixture of classical and lighter genres, including pieces by Purcell and Willcox, and ending with a performance of 'Jazz Songs of Innocence', five poems by William Blake (1757-1827) set to music by Bob Chilcott (b. 1955).
Saturday 6th April 2019
St Mary's Church, High Street, Totnes TQ9 5NN
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
English Renaissance and early Baroque motets:
by Gibbons, Byrd, Parsons, Tomkins, Purcell and Tallis, contrasted with modern pieces: Lukaszweski – Like As the Waves and Two Lenten Motets Esenvalds – Only In Sleep and O Salutaris Hostia (soprano soloists Fee Machen & Janet Hooper) Todd – Vidi Speciosam Rutter – Hymn to the Creator of Light |

Saturday 24th November 2018
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm. Tickets £10. These can be bought online through the Abbey website, from the Abbey gift shop, or from the Abbey stewards on the door on the evening of the concert, if there are any remaining. |
Featuring Goodall's stunning Eternal Light Requiem with tenor soloist Matthew Oakes and soprano soloists Teresa Stubbs and Gillian Webster, accompanied by acclaimed organist Peter King, alongside unaccompanied baroque and Renaissance motets.
Saturday 14th July 2018
St Bartholomew's Church, Yealmpton PL8 2HG
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Programme based on choral settings of the words of Shakespeare, to include:
O Mistress Mine Murrrill Three Shakespeare Songs Vaughan Williams Silence and Music Vaughan Williams Greensleeves Vaughan Williams To Daffodils Farrar Fear Ye More Tavener It Was a Lover and His Lass Harris Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred Harris PLUS a set by the small women's ensemble The Damerel Belles, also conducted by Trefor Farrow |
Saturday 5th May 2018
St Mary's Church, High Street, Totnes TQ9 5NN
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Programme to include Vaughan Williams Mass in G Minor; Monteverdi Dixit Dominus and Two Motets; Whitacre Water Night, Sleep and Her Sacred Spirit Soars; Gjeilo Serenity and Gorecki Totus Tuus
16th December 2017
St Luke's Church, Buckfastleigh, TQ11 0DA
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Christmas Concert - to include Bob Chilcott's On Christmas Night, Vaughan Williams' Fantasia and a selection of more familiar Christmas music.
Saturday 18th November 2017
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
The autumn programme concert in Buckfast Abbey was Palestrina’s Stabat Mater, Taverner's Western Wynde Mass and Morten Lauridsen's Lux Aeterna. Organ - Richard Lea.

Saturday 17th June 2017
St John's Church, Bridgetown, Totnes, TQ9 5AJ
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Programme included Trois Chanson by Ravel,
A Boy and a Girl and Sleep by Eric Whitacre, a selection of arrangements of folk songs by the Kings Singers and various motets and part songs. |
Friday 19th May 2017
Ashburton Choirs Festival: St Andrew's Church, Ashburton, TQ13 7DU 7.30pm
The Collati Singers are performing in the first half of this concert, which is shared with The Singers Upstairs and The Devonly Singers who will sing in the second half. |
Tickets £6 available from choir members or on the door.
Saturday 4th March 2017
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Programme included Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb
and unaccompanied ancient and modern church music (Byrd, Gibbons, Parsons, Bairstow, Walton etc). Soloists in the Britten: Clare Lash-Williams (soprano), Cheryl Stead (alto), Sue Hadow (tenor), Den Anderson (bass). Solo in Walton: Terry Ash (tenor). |
Saturday 17th December 2016
St Luke's Church, Buckfastleigh, TQ11 0DA
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Christmas concert - Poulenc Christmas Motets and seasonal music ancient and modern.
Saturday 17th September 2016
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Programme to include Bach Lobet den Herrn, Tye Euge Bone mass, Britten Hymn to Saint Cecilia and Richard Rodney Bennett Missa Brevis.
Soprano soloist: Clare Lash-Williams |
Saturday 16th April 2016
St John's Church, Bridgetown, Totnes, TQ9 5AJ 7.30 pm
Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Programme to include a selection of English 16th century madrigals and some modern light music arrangements.

Wednesday 16th December 2015
St Luke's Church, Buckfastleigh, TQ11 0DA 7.30pm
Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Christmas concert - advent and seasonal music.

Thursday 10th December 2016
St Mary's Church, Rattery, TQ10 9LD
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Christmas concert - advent and seasonal unaccompanied music.
Sunday 22nd November 2015
St John's Church, Bridgetown, Totnes, TQ9 5AJ N.B. 3pm
Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Howells' Requiem, Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli and motets by Jenkins, Gjeilo & Lukaszweski.

Saturday 24th October 2015
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Howells' Requiem, Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli and motets by Jenkins, Gjeilo & Lukaszweski.

Saturday 4th October 2014
Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast TQ11 0EE
7.30pm Entry free, retiring collection. No tickets - just turn up. |
Byrd Mass for Four Voices, Lauridsen Lux Aeterna, Palestrina motets.
Saturday 5th April 2014
The first concert by the choir newly formed by Trefor and Gillian before it became The Collati Singers. |
St Bartholomew's Church, Yealmpton
7.30pm Tickets £5 on the door or from choir members. |
Richard Rodney Bennett Missa Brevis, Lauridsen Chanson des Roses, Palestrina motets, two songs by Gillian Webster sung by Clare Lash-Williams, and a selection of familiar songs in light jazz style.